Nick’s Goals and Habits

Goals and Focusses for the Future

  • Get involved in a club this school year (preferably one related to my intrests)
  • Take online courses to find my intrests that I want to pursue in the future
  • Get an internship or take summer courses next summer
  • Stop procrastinating and get my work done quickly
  • Be happy and not feel stressed by school and work
  • Prioritize mental health
  • Get a consistent schedule and stick to it
  • Go to the gym more often which will help me and my mental health

Physcology and the Good Life Takeaways

  • A large percentage of college students feel stressed out by school work
  • Teachers don’t try to make you feel depressed
  • It’s important to prioritize mental health
  • You will be more productive if you feel happy
  • Anxiety and stress is important to managage
  • The video was very enlightening and helped me better understand how I can overcome struggles with stress and achieve happiness. Laurie gave me some good ideas to help relieve stress by spending time with other people and maintaining social connections. Overall, I feel like I need to prioritize my hapinness in order to pursue a more successful future. Mental health and motivitation is just as important as how much work I can get done. I need to focus on myself.


  • I am grateful for my parents who support and encourage me in everything that I do. My loving parents push me to be the best and I wouldn’t want anyone else on my sideline. My parents are also very kind and hard-working. I look up to them and hope to make them proud.