Topic 1.1 Why Java

  • System.out.print and system.out.println display information on the computer monitor
  • System.out.println moves the cursor to a new line after the information has been displayed while System.out print does not
  • A string literal is an exact sequence of characters enclosed in double quotes
  • 3 Error Types:
  • Syntax/Compiler Error
  • Exception (ex: divide by 0)
  • Logic Error (ex: - instead of + when finding the sum)
public class HelloWorld {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        System.out.print("AP ");
        System.out.print("CS ");
        System.out.print("A ");
        System.out.println("Hello World");


Topic 1.2 Variables and Data Types

  • A type is a set of values (a domain) and a set of operations on them
  • Data types can be categorized as either primitive or reference
  • The primitive data types used in this course define the set of operations for numbers and Boolean values
  • Boolean: T or F, Int: whole numbers, Double: floarting-point numbers
  • The three primitive data types used in this course are int, double, and Boolean
  • Each variable has associated memory that is used to hold its value
  • The memory associated with a variable of a primitve type holds an actual primitve value
  • When a variable is declared final, its value cannot be changed once it is intialized
public class main {
    public static void main(String[] args){
        Integer intVariable = 1995;
        Double doubleVariable = 1.62;
        Boolean booleanVariable = true;
        Character charVariable = 'A';
