Unit 1 Primitives


  • Primitative Types include
  • Boolean (true/false), one bit
  • Int (integer values), 2-3 bits
  • Double (Decimal values) 64 bits
  • Short, Byte, Floats, Char
  • Operators include
  • /+ is addition
  • /- is subtraction
  • / is division
  • is modulus (remainder)
  • /* is multiplication
  • ++ ex ++x is x=x+1
  • -- ex --x is x= x-1
  • += ex x+=3 is x=x+3
  • -=ex x-=3 is x=x-3
  • Compound assignment operators (+=. -=) can be used in place of regular assignment operators
  • ++ and -- are increase and decrease operators
public class CompOpsDemo {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        int x = 6;
        x += 7;
        x -= 7;
        x *= 3;
        x /= 5;
        x %= 3;


import java.util.Scanner;
public class testScoreApp {
     * @param args the command line arguments
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // TODO code application logic here
           // display operational messages
           System.out.println("Please enter test scores that range from 0 to 100.");
           System.out.println("To end the program enter 999.");
           System.out.println();  // print a blank line
           // initialize variables and create a Scanner object
           Scanner sc = new Scanner(System.in);
           String choice = "y";
           // get a series of test scores from the user
           while (!choice.equalsIgnoreCase("n"))
               int scoreTotal = 0;
               int scoreCount = 0;
               int testScore = 0;
               System.out.println("Enter the number of test score to be entered: ");
               int numberOfTestScores = sc.nextInt();
               for (int i = 1; i <= numberOfTestScores; i++)
                    // get the input from the user
                    System.out.print("Enter score " + i + ": ");
                    testScore = sc.nextInt();
                    // accumulate score count and score total
                    if (testScore <= 100)
                         scoreCount = scoreCount + 1;
                         scoreTotal = scoreTotal + testScore;
                    else if (testScore > 100) 
                 System.out.println("Invalid entry, not counted");
                double averageScore = scoreTotal / scoreCount;
                String message = "\n" +
                     "Score count:   " + scoreCount + "\n"
                   + "Score total:   " + scoreTotal + "\n"
                   + "Average score: " + averageScore + "\n";
                System.out.println("Enter more test scores? (y/n)");
                choice= sc.next();
    // display the score count, score total, and average score

Unit 2 Objects


  • Object-oriented programming, refered to as OOP, is a programming paradigm that organizes software design around objects allowing data to operate and be bound together
  • Classes are a template from which objects are created. Objects created under the same class will share common methods and attributes.
  • Objects are instances of a class.
  • Methods, or functions, are a set of code that perform a specific task.
  • Ex: class vegetables would have objects carrot, tomato, etc.
  • Class attributes (which the objects will inherit) could be calorie count, quantity, or other values relevant to the class
  • Methods of the class would be actions relevant to the class like consume or save
  • Classes in Java can contain data members, methods, constructors, nested classes, and interfaces.
  • To initialize an object, you would use a class constructor
  • Defining and calling methods is advantageous because it allows for code reuse, optimization, and organization.
  • Calling a method: methodName(parameter1, parameter2);
  • Calling an object's method: objectReference.methodName(parameter1, parameter2);


Painter myPainter = new Painter(); //Object initialized by calling a constructor

public int max(int x, int y) // modifier, return-type, method=name, parameter-list
    if (x>y)
        return x;
        return y;

methodName(parameter1, parameter2); //Calling a method
objectReference.methodName(parameter1, parameter2); //Calling an object's method


Creating a class w/ a method

public class Science { // class created
    public void printTypes(){   // method

    public static void main(String[] args){  // main class that runs
        Science myObject = new Science();    // creating an object from class



Inheriting a Class

public class ScienceTypes extends Science{  // extending class
    public ScienceTypes(){    // new class now has all the old class attributes

    public static void main(String[] args){  // main class
        ScienceTypes mySecondObject = new ScienceTypes();    // creates an object from the new class
        mySecondObject.printTypes();      // reference methods and attributes from the inherited class
